Remote Indigenous communities deprived of basics: Food security report

The House Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs released its Report on food pricing and food security in remote Indigenous communities today which showed massive disparities of food prices in remote communities, compared with non-remote areas.

The report identified the lack of buying power of remote community stores to access wholesale prices; costly supply chains; and the limited cold storage capacity in remote areas, as drivers of higher food prices.

After three reports in over a decade, it’s disappointing that the same issues are being raised 11 years later.

How are we suppose to close the gap in quality of life outcomes when we are continuing to witness – in 2020 and in such a wealthy nation – the deprivation of basic items that so many of us in non-remote areas take for granted, like electricity or sufficient refrigeration space.

Where is the urgency from this Government?

Labor is deeply concerned that the issues raised by this inquiry are too complex for this one-dimensional slogan-driven Government to contemplate.

It is truly astounding that when the most vulnerable groups in Australia are paying some of the highest prices for the most basic items, the Government is pre-occupied with its pursuit of the Cashless Debit card – which disproportionately impacts First Nations people.



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